Bibliothek / Wissenschaftliche Publikationen, beginnend mit U
Ultramicrostructural reductions in teeth: implications for dietary transition from non-avian dinosaurs to birds / Zhiheng Li, Chun-Chieh Wang, Min Wang, Cheng-Cheng Chiang, Yan Wang, Xiaoting Zheng, E-Wen Huang, Kiko Hsiao, Zhonghe Zhou, 2020 / BMC Evolutionary Biology, Volume 20, Article number: 46 (2020)
Un nuevo dinosaurio estiracosterno (Ornithopoda: Ankylopollexia) del Cretácico Inferior de España/ Carolina Fuentes Vidarte, Manuel Meijide Calvo, Federico Meijide Fuentes, Manuel Meijide Fuentes, 2016 / Spanish Journal of Palaeontology 31, Vol 2., pp. 407-446
Un Nuevo Hadrosáurido (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) De La Formación Allen, Provincia De La Pampa, Argentina / Rodolfo A. Coria, Bernardo González Riga, Silvio Casadío, 2012 / AMEGHINIANA - 2012 - Tomo 49 (4): 552 - 572, ISSN 0002-7014
Un nuevo pterosaurio (Pterodactyloidea) en el Cretácico Inferior de La Rioja (España)/ C. Fuentes Vidarte, M. Meijide Calvo, 2010 / Boletín Geológico y Minero, 121 (3): 311-328
Un nouveau genre de dinosaure sauropode de la formation des Grès supérieurs (Aptien-Albien) du Laos / Ronan Allain, Philippe Taquet, Bernard Battail, Jean Dejax, Philippe Richir, Monette Veran, Franck Limon-Duparcmeur, Renaud Vacant, Octavio Mateus, Phouvong Sayarath, Bounxou Khenthavong, Sitha Phouyavong, 1999 / Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences à Paris, Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes 329 (8): 609 - 616
Uncovering hidden footprints: revision of the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) Razorback Beds – home to Australia’s earliest reported dinosaur trackway/ Anthony Romilio, Roslyn Dick, Heather Skinner, Janice Millar, 2024 / Historical Biology, 1–8. /
Unique caudal plumage of Jeholornis and complex tail evolution in early birds / Jingmai O’Connor, Xiaoli Wang, Corwin Sullivan, Xiaoting Zheng, Pablo Tubaro Xiaomei Zhang, Zhonghe Zhou, 2013 / PNAS vol. 110 no. 43 17404-17408
Unusual cranial and postcranial anatomy in the archetypal ankylosaur Ankylosaurus magniventris/ Victoria M. Arbour, Jordan C. Mallon, 2017 / FACETS 2: 764–794 / doi:10.1139/facets-2017-0063 /
Unusual pectoral apparatus in a predatory dinosaur resolves avian wishbone homology / Andrea Cau, Vincent Beyrand, Rinchen Barsbold, Khishigjav Tsogtbaatar, Pascal Godefroit, 2021 / Scientific Reports, Volume 11, Article number: 14722
Unusual theropod eggshells from the Early Cretaceous Blesa Formation of the Iberian Range, Spain/ Miguel Moreno-Azanza, José I. Canudo, José M. Gasca, 2014 / Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 59 (4), 2014: 843-854 doi: /
Untangling the tree or unravelling the consensus? Recent developments in the quest to resolve the broad-scale relationships within Dinosauria / Jack Lovegrove, Paul Upchurch, Paul M. Barrett, 2024 / Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, Volume 22, 2024 - Issue 1 /
Upper Cretaceous European theropod palaeobiodiversity, palaeobiogeography and the intra-Maastrichtian faunal turnover: new contributions from the Iberian fossil site of Laño / Erik Isasmendi, Angelica Torices, José Ignacio Canudo, Philip J. Currie, Xabier Pereda-Suberbiola, 2022 / Papers in Palaeontology, 2022, pp. 1–38. /
Upper Norian conodonts from the Baoshan block, western Yunnan, southwestern China, and implications for conodont turnover / Weiping Zeng, Haishui Jiang2, Yan Chen, James Ogg, Muhui Zhang, Hanxinshuo Dong, 2023 / PeerJ 11:e14517 /
Using Dental Enamel Wrinkling to Define Sauropod Tooth Morphotypes from the Cañadón Asfalto Formation, Patagonia, Argentina / Femke M. Holwerda, Diego Pol, Oliver W. M. Rauhut, 2015 / PLoS ONE 10(2): e0118100. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.011810 /
Using linear measurements to diagnose the ecological habitat of Spinosaurus / Sean Smart, Manabu Sakamoto, 2024 / PeerJ 12:e17544 /PDF
Using Physical Models to Study the Gliding Performance of Extinct Animals / M. A. R. Koehl, Dennis Evangelista, Karen Yang, 2011 / Integrative and Comparative Biology, pp. 1–17/ doi:10.1093/icb/icr112
Übersicht über die Wirbeltierfauna der Tendaguru-Schichten, nebst einer kurzen Charakterisierung der neu aufgeführten Arten Sauropoden/ Werner Janensch, 1914 / Sonderabdruck aus dem Archiv für Biontologie, Band III, Heft 1